Thursday, June 21, 2007

what simultaneously sucks AND blows?

well, a number of things. given the high levels of suck (texas heat+gauche caviar=aeiq2#%^&*io)
desperate attempts to amuse myself of late:
-inspired by dr. bacon, i spend my saturday mornings imbibing bottomless mimosas at taverna--seriously, they're served in wine glasses. best. idea. ever. (well, until hangover ca. 3 pm)
-inspired by fran, i've spent the past few days trying to come up with multi-syllabic homophones. i.e. principle/principal, precedent/president, karat/carrot (okay, i didn't really come up with any of these)
-pizza beer yes, it's pizza AND beer at the same time. methinks, misguided?
-caption this yourself:

odds and ends: saw menomena on tuesday. to borrow from "dial m", it was totally cop show! check out this video:

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