Wednesday, February 14, 2007

your looks are laughable, unphotographable.

10 am valentines day. i am sitting in bed eating red velvet cake. yes, it has pink sprinkles on it. shameful, i know, but i am as usual, sans valentine (i'm sorry stephanie, you'll have to reapply next year). i am usually a bit of a scrooge of valentines day--black clothes, a i don't want to smell the roses! i don't know who actually reads this, but i'm going to break from type this year. my sister made a good point earlier, this should be a day to appreciate all those who are close to me. so thanks to all y'all (get me out of texas!) who have put up with my bitching and moaning and those of you who never cease to make me laugh. so hearts and puppies for all!


odds and ends: listen to turina's circulo. muy suave.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

namaste, bitches.

i go through this phase every few months or so when i feel like a huge bum and become convinced that i am approaching epic proportions while simultaneously losing bone mass and will have osteoporosis, like tomorrow (thanks mom, for instilling a finely tuned sense of paranoia in me!). usually i mull over this unpleasant thought for about half a minute, eat a cheeseburger and move on. however, i felt sufficiently guilty enough after subsisting on cookies for the past few weeks (new dress=no money for groceries. i make good life decisions!) to start doing yoga again this past week after about a 3 year hiatus, and i have to say, there is something a bit discomforting about being surrounded by people who breath loudly with such intent while being instructed to contort myself in ways my legs just don't want to go. that said, it wasn't much of a workout and i really miss pilates. perhaps if i'm feeling ambitious next week, i might even attempt to bike to school. unlikely.

odds and ends: holy shit, listen to the godfather of nerdcore hiphop, mc frontalot's "rhyme of the nibelung": "I got invited to go see The Ring; I thought it were probably a musical aboot hobbits...the music's hella stupid it don't got no beats and that's the 22nd time I heard the leitmotif"

Thursday, February 8, 2007

even the hobos have a spring in their step!

i decided to give my eyes a rest from reading today, so once i was able to drag myself out of bed, oh around noon (i know, i suck at life, but my only class for today was cancelled!) i locked myself in a practice room and pounded away for a few hours. i love learning something new and that moment when the piece really starts to come together--the notes finally make sense and i know what i want to tell. i think i'm getting sucked back into the whole piano thing again and it's good to be back. i spent the rest of the day listening to various recordings of the bach partitas. glenn gould attacks (and i do mean attack) them as though he were on a harpsichord, followed by igor kipnis's recording on harpsichord, which he approaches as though he were on organ. which is to say. none of this has anything to do with hobos and i should go back to reading about musical nuns (yeah, seriously) and consider investing in cable t.v. before i start developing that crooked grin a la susan p.

odds and ends: one more reason to come visit me

on frivolity

it is becoming patently clear that i must quit my job and/or throw away my credit card. working in retail has been a bit of a lark for me. i fold lots of sweaters and pretend to be helpful and attempt to hide my j-face. in return, i get a giant discount and am currently in the process of transitioning from hobo chic to preppy hobo chic. now it's no secret that i'm the marketer's dream subject. my store's particularly good at selling this image--clean, wholesome, summers spent sailing up and down the eastern seaboard. suddenly madras bermuda shorts are looking really good. they would be perfect for that lobster bake you know? i also need cashmere sweaters. in every color. swimsuits with matching flip flops of course for when i summer in the hamptons or some other bourgeois watering hole in a house from a potterybarn/william sonoma catalogue. throw up everywhere. that said, i just had to buy that dress. it was 60% off, it would've been criminal not to. sigh.

odds and ends: i ordered a pizza for dinner tonight. a barbeque chicken pizza. i go and pick it up, pay for it, and as they hand it to me, they tell me, "oh, we ran out of chicken tonight so there's no chicken on the pizza. is that okay?" umm, no. not okay. i'm left with a barbeque sauce and cheese pizza. in the words of the inimitable miss dolan, sick.