Thursday, February 8, 2007

even the hobos have a spring in their step!

i decided to give my eyes a rest from reading today, so once i was able to drag myself out of bed, oh around noon (i know, i suck at life, but my only class for today was cancelled!) i locked myself in a practice room and pounded away for a few hours. i love learning something new and that moment when the piece really starts to come together--the notes finally make sense and i know what i want to tell. i think i'm getting sucked back into the whole piano thing again and it's good to be back. i spent the rest of the day listening to various recordings of the bach partitas. glenn gould attacks (and i do mean attack) them as though he were on a harpsichord, followed by igor kipnis's recording on harpsichord, which he approaches as though he were on organ. which is to say. none of this has anything to do with hobos and i should go back to reading about musical nuns (yeah, seriously) and consider investing in cable t.v. before i start developing that crooked grin a la susan p.

odds and ends: one more reason to come visit me

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